
Past Writing, Future Books

Writing, it is what i tend to do. As you may have noticed i have been writing, while not a lot, defiantly more than i was during the school year. Also, as i have been telling my friends and family recently, the first thing i tried to write into a novel has reared up in the back of my head and waked me over the head demanding to be finished.

Because of this i have done a tonne of planning for the story and cut it off into 3 separate books so far. (and it isn't finished yet!) But while i was doing this i had also fired off the pages i had written back in grade 11 to the various people i know. I asked them to read it and give me opinions on it so that i could figure out what i needed to do and how to improve it.

Of course i happened to also ask for honesty, the kind of honesty i tend to give regarding Harry Potter and Twilight, the kind of honesty that matches up with this wonderful website i found today. I wanted this honesty given to me about this piece of writing because i want it to be better, i want the characters to have depth and substance. I also want my writing to flow together, like water in a stream, so that it all works together rather than like a stream of stones, where they bounce off each other and block their own path rather than connecting and working together.

And that is what a friend of mine was excellent for. She told me i needed to take a look at this writing because it wasn't near as good as i thought it was. And she was right, it was CRAP and yes that needed to be capitalized. Now for every person out there who read this through the first way it was and thought it was amazing, thank you for your support. That was needed, it helped me to gain confidence in myself.

All the same though it built up a little too much confidence. Part of what stopped me from writing as much as i did when i wrote those first 60 pages was that i was worried i couldn't make anything as good as what people thought of that first piece of work. What i am finding out is that the opposite happened, rather than my writing getting worse than it was so long ago it is getting better and better.

That fear i had of writing and it not being that good, that it wouldn't hold up to my past experiences was groundless. And i guess that is the point behind this entire post, don't avoid living your future because your worried about your past. Live your life, and go where you need to go.

P.S. Check out this blog if you want something else to read, it is great and informative.

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