
Bees and Brains

It is spring time, or it is to me at least. I wont really consider it summer until at the very least June if not later. I like the spring time, the weather is cooler, the sun seems brighter, but it leaves no snow on the ground.

The other thing which tends to come to mind with spring time is that there is new growth, and with that new growth comes, well, creatures in heat, flowers, new leaves, new buds on the trees, new plants coming from the ground.

Today while i was waiting for the bus i had some interesting thoughts. See, i wanted to just sit on the edge of the garbage can that is there and read a book.

I got passed a book called The Truth About Forever from a friend of mine because i got a job at a catering company meaning that my name and job now both line up with a character in the book.

The book has nothing to do with the story but i figured i would mention it. Anywho while i was trying to read the book a hornet decided to bug me. It never landed on me, just buzzed around my face over and over again.

It wasn't like i smelled like a flower, i listened to the Old Spice Commercial. It wasn't like i was wearing bright colors, everyone knows i don't. So why was this bee buzzing around me?

I also had spent a few minutes beforehand with a friend who was terrified of both bees and hornets. It got me thinking about why are people so frightened of bees and wasps and other creatures be they snakes, spiders, or the ones that i am scared of, rats.

Why would it be that we (and i mean collectively as a species) are scared of smaller animals and why do we irrationally worry that they will bite, sting, claw, scratch, etc? Why are we so frightened of them?

I think it has something to do with instincts. And with the way that we think we are so rational. Ya, thats right, i hope back to the idea of rationalism being the root of all evil. See, with this idea that we are thinking creatures unlike, what is at least the provailing western thought, the rest of the creatures on the planet.

Because of this we seem to fear the animals that are controlled by instinct, instead of thinking that they could have emotions or other even act for amusement. The bee today, there is no instinctual reason for it to chase me back and fourth but it is so similar to the way i would chase someone around tickling them.

1 comment:

  1. a) a "stinging" review? i love you a little more right now
    b) i really really think it's amusing when people disregard the feelings of insects and bugs and things they dislike as being "non-emotional" creatures, yet consider pets or animals a part of their family and capable of human interactions. being one of those people myself though, i can hardly begin to say it's a bad thing... just amuses me

    c) that bee was totally hitting on you

