

So i am going to write out this post tonight listening to the Barenaked Ladies on my ipod, if it makes no sense i blame them.

What am i going to rant about tonight? What topic shall i use my self-righteousness on? Well considering my ongoing dream to actually be a writer, i think i will write about what writing means to me. Writing about writing, i know, like masturbating to masturbation but oh well, my blog my rules!

See for me writing is nothing grand or divine, nothing spiritual, nothing special, it is nothing more than the person who wrote it. This of course means that to me writing is nothing but divine, spiritual, and special. Confused? Probably not, more just irritated at me for writing that, well no worries i am too.

Why would i write it then? Because it is true. Writing is in and of itself no more important or special than white paint thrown on a white canvas and called art. Well... ok, maybe it is more. After all, most people write in black ink on white paper. But woot woot, we use one more shade! That doesn't make writing special, and that's why it isn't, just like art for art's sake is utter bull.

But if that art is for your sake, for something inside you that demands to be expressed then it really doesn't matter what anyone other than you thinks of it. That right there is half of the challenge, that art that exists only for its own sake doesn't often go out into the world and seek to be recognized.

I know, that in and of itself makes all of my writing here pointless and worthless. Yes, i send it out into the world, but i also don't censor it, i don't edit again and again. Each of these posts is a free fall writing exercise. I don't plan it, and other than using Firefox's spell-check i don't edit.

To me writing can be one of two things, it can exist to simply be a creation for its own sake, which is what i do in two books i bought at Chapters that i write in, and in them i write my own far more personal thoughts and ideas. The things i write there i let no one else read. That is my art for art's sake.

Sadly that doesn't pay the bills (though neither does this blog), so i write other things in the hopes of one day becoming someone published who can be lucky enough to support themselves and perhaps even a family from simply writing books.

I think writing is something very personal, something which each person decides to do or to not do for their own reasons. I think it is something where no matter how many different people look at it, the only one who can really see all the depths is the original writer. And i think those who actually got enough balls to put something out there can most likely take the criticism we throw at them, but like the quotes say we also need to recognize that their work is worth more than all of the criticism in the world put together.

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