
Friends, Acquaintances, What is the Dif?

Second post of the day. Why am i posting twice in one day you may ask? Well it could be because i am so opinionated that i never run out of things to talk about because, like the Dr., if there is one thing i can do, it is talk. It could be because i missed blogging the past couple days because of a hectic yet awesome spin my life took. It could be because i am obsessed with writing and i feel the need to create something even if it is just a blog post. Or it simply could be cause i feel like it. Personally i vote for all of the above.

But back to the post! What, pray do tell, am i going to talk about this evening when i feel like the Wicked Witch of the West after a bath? (Cause it is so hot i am melting! ha ha ha... wow that was bad) but yes it is hot here, and sadly though my house is awesome and wonderful and kinda smells of cat... it has no AC, and with no AC comes a very sad me, who avoids moving as much as physically possible.

So what have i done instead? Well i actually just finished writing an email to an old friend of mine who i didn't write or talk to at all during the past year and realized that i really regretted that so i am hoping it isn't to late to repair our friendship. See that is what i actually want to talk about.

Friendship, what is it that makes someone your friend? I know that before this past year my number of people i actually considered friends was quite small. The reason for this is that i tend to be really... well non-trusting, and there were not a lot of people that felt real enough to me that i could consider them friends. They were people i would spend time with, occasionally exchange a story or two that we found funny, but would i ask them advice? Tell them about a serious problem?

Not on your life! See i didn't want to trust people who i didn't feel desurved it, and so i have friends, aquantances, and people who i would nod/say "hi, whats up?" to, but they wouldn't count amongst my friends.

Now this sounds kind of heartless and mean and makes me seem kinda like i jerk, or at least so i have been told (personally i think it makes sense, otherwise why would i do so?). In getting to know one person recently i became just how aware of how little a lot of people know about me.

And do you know what? I count that as a good thing.

Namely, you ask me a question, i answer, you have a conversation that is involved with me i will tell you stories. I can explain to anyone what makes me who i am. I have a few things i wont share, a few things that are too personal, but for the most part what has made me who i am is something i am comfortable telling anyone.

The thing i have noticed is that the people who i consider friends now are those who either don't bother with my past as something important or actually ask until they know a fair amount about it.

I love both these groups of people, they are the ones i want around me. The rest of you? If you don't take the time to know my past or appropriate my present why would i enjoy either of yours?

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