
The Future of Here and Now

Hey Blog-o-sphere how goes it? Happy i was gone? Less headaches? More free time? Well relax, i am not promising to come back with the crazy amount of writing i did during the summer, rather i am just writing because i feel like it.

What am i thinking about now? The past... And the future.

How often do those two come up? The past and the future, the two best distractions from the present. The perfect way to avoid living in the moment is to think about these things. But at the same time how do we avoid it? The past is the best way to learn from mistakes, the future requires some planning because it turns into the present.

With this getting lost into the future and the past i tend to lose track of the present in a way... See getting so involved in my present i tend to disregard other events places and people. It isn't intentional, it isn't something i plan, and because i see it coming when people ask to see me i make my every effort to take the time to see them. When events demand that i see someone, talk to them, i will plan it out soon in the future.

I think this is something i have talked about in the past, the notion of selfishness. The way you need to take care of yourself first, within limits. Self care is needed in order to be able to care for others. To quote one of my favorite shows "You try to fix the world but you're the ones that are broken."

To a degree that is what i am doing now. Normally i try to be the person who is always there for their friends and family. I tend to have an impressive amount of patience but for now i am doing things that make me feel good. I am letting myself be a little more selfish with my time and spend it in the places that really make me happy.

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