
Cruel Intentions, Misunderstood Intentions, Good Intentions.

OK so this post... Well let me go with this movie i have been obsessing over ever since i have watched it on Fox one afternoon. This movie is called Cruel Intentions and it stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and Reese Witherspoon. If you haven't seen this movie i highly recommend it to you, it is kinda really amusing yet very deep undertones.

Beware though, if you keep reading i will spoil a couple plot points for you. This is my disclaimer, don't get pissed at me if i ruin bits for you.

So in the movie Ryan's character is trying to seduce Witherspoon's in order to win a bet with his step sister which means she will sleep with him. Yep, the movie is all about sex, sex, and for fun a little more sex.

Now keep in mind that Witherspoon in this movie is such a proud advocate for waiting to be in love before having sex that she is actually the subject of an article in 17 magazine. This movie portrays something which began to come to the forefront of my mind recently.

In our society we seem to have a certain kind of love for those in extremes. Couples are in extremes of love, on and off again, people who are pure and seem amazing or people who are completely evil and seem to have no traces of good anywhere on their soul.

These are the people we tend to watch, the geniuses, the mad scientists, the one demensional people who we pigeon hole into being good or bad, but not the ones in-between. But then as the movie goes on you see Ryan's character beings to develop some better characteristics he actually becomes more interesting as a person, even as he is less interesting to just watch, i found myself becoming involved with the character, rooting for him (as you should in a good movie).

This leads me to think about why do we find these people more entertaining? I think it may be due to the laziness we all have somewhere deep inside us. We don't really want to get to know everyone that detailed because if we did then we would have to remember it all, we would be invested in all of them that deeply, and each pain that happened would affect us a little more. Instead of watching the news and thinking about the stupid people in Toronto you might find yourself knowing the people involved.

It goes back to the idea that there is no good or bad, there is just differing shades of grey. I guess i just think that even though the movie is great and features a lot of comedy and drama maybe we all should look beyond it, and see that each person is more than just the one dimension.

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