
Rule 2: Remember What Made You You

OK, you're reading my blog, right? If you aren't reading it than you are not processing what this is saying and as such really i should probably stop talking to you because your basically ignoring me.

Anywho, you're reading my blog right? Well assuming you are reading it because you like what i have to say and not because you enjoy sitting there and noticing the many, many flaws in my writing style and spelling and grammar and such, then you need to stop reading this, and go watch the TV show Scrubs, from season 1 to season 8, and you damn well better start at the beginning.

See, sitting around lately i have grown sick of watching new TV shows, like ReGenesis and Better Off Ted and missed the sort of relationship i had with all my old favorite shows, like Scrubs, Boston Legal, and Californication. These shows are the things that i got addicted to back near the end of my high school experience (and by near the end i of course am referencing from grade 11 to when i left).

See, that was around the time i started making my own moral code. It isn't anything i ever really wrote down or tried to make into rules... Correction, that is a lie, i have tried to make them into a list of rules and it didn't really work. So i have left it as an unwritten rule of how to lead my life. Rather than try to quantify it i let it flow and remember that by acting in any way i am deciding to become the kind of person who would choose to act in that way.

The main core of this belief system for me has been to be true to who you are, be true to your emotions and beliefs. Don't let your emotions rule you but don't deem them as something that isn't true either. It is a belief in almost radical honesty, where lying is something done only as a last resort and only to protect something truly important. I can only recall two moments in the last year when i lied, both to protect someone from where honesty would have hurt them more.

Actually no, one truth would have hurt the person more, the other was a risk that i didn't want to take.

Anyways, back to what i was attempting to talk about, Scrubs. See, if you have never watched Scrubs before then read this paragraph, if you have, well read it for a refresher! See Scrubs is the story of a young man just starting his career as a doctor, and follows him through to his becoming a very good doctor. The name of this doctor is named John Dorian and is referred to as J.D. He is a very introspective person and as such the episodes generally follow him or someone else as they learn a lesson throughout it, and then these stories are tied together at the end during a voice over preformed by Zack Braff who plays J.D.

Anywho, the reason i tell you all to go and watch Scrubs rather than bother to read this post (which you obviously didn't listen to if you made it this far, good for you!) is because of the fact that Scrubs, being such a part of what made me who i am is that it is still true today. And really that brings me to the main point.

See i have a few things that fit with who i am so closely, things that helped me develop my moral code that i have to take some time to refresh myself on around once a year or so. And in doing so i realized that there was some advice offered right near the end of the year that i should have listened to, some advice that was basically a restating of what i believed, but i didn't notice.

The point is, if you get a chance to, then refresh yourself on what made you who you were, whether it was a place, a book, a movie, or even a conversation with an old friend.

1 comment:

  1. when i read that first paragraph, i was like 'oh man i feel like hes talking to me' lol. i have no idea why i am the way i am :( i wish i could realize it like that.... that is all.
