I live in Ontario. Shocking, i know, but believe me this is in fact going somewhere. See, Ontario had the fun of enjoying part of that great big earthquake a little while ago. Even more shocking is probably the fact that i know the earthquake affected a large area, but... well, i was talking to people online at the time and they told me.
See a conversation i had today with my big sister informed me of a lot of junk going on in Toronto that i didn't know about, in fact before yesterday i had no clue what G20 was, or why everyone was making a big deal about it and kept forgetting to ask people.
See something i refuse to do is to watch or read the news. I did try to watch them for a while, become a more knowledgeable person, more well rounded, more informed. Yes, i did fail epically, though part of it was was how hard it was at the time for me to manage to get ahold of said news, via papers which i would had to pay for (i was unemployed at the time), the internet (i had dial up), or TV (i had an antenna, meaning 6 o'clock or none, and that was when the Simpsons was on!).
Anywho, altering this idea was something that came to me from the wonderful people over at Zen is Stupid, i forget which episode it was, part of the problem of listening to them all. Anyways it was a story about a woman who didn't have a TV or a computer, she didn't listen to the radio or read the newspaper. The reason she offered behind this is that the news tends to present such a biased point of view where the negative is expanded because people read it more. Rather if anything important happens someone will hopefully tell her, so since i heard of this i have avoided the news to avoid bringing extra negativity into my life.
Anywho, off of the gigantic tangent and back to my main point, there was an earthquake that shook a lot of the world including the area that i live in. Friends of mine near and far felt it as well, to me it was a little fun because of the way it shook, though no serious damage took place.
(part of what happened after is due to this video which i watched the day before, go ahead and enjoy it)
Before the earthquake took place i was wasting time watching videos on my computer, not really accomplishing very much. After the earthquake i continued to do so for a little while then buckled down and finished an essay for one of my classes in less than an hour. Why? Well i always say to people that i already have my suite in hell picked out, but frankly i really don't want to end up there because i was putting off an essay.
See, it put me in mind of the 7 deadly sins, which are (according to wikipedia): Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Part of the reason they leapt to mind so quickly is that i am attempting to read the bible cover to cover for the... well i dunno how many times in my life.
Anyways the thing that keeps coming to mind as i read it is that while i disagree with a lot of it, and most of the rest is totally pointless (do i really need to know all the names of the kids that some dead guy had with his two wives?) but in and amongst the rest is actually some gems of wisdom such as these sins. Yes, i embrace the Seven as WISDOM! and yes i know that includes lust, i still think that they make sense as bad things.
See, each of these things i don't really think is bad on their own, but just like being aware and focused on your life can be a bad thing so can each of these. Being consumed by lust so that you disregard those things that happen to everyone around you, being so prideful that you cannot accept when you are wrong, being so consumed by envy that you cannot enjoy the good things that happen to those around you. These are all terrible things to do, so see that wisdom there.
But by the same token taking a day to yourself does not mean that you are falling to sloth, rather it means you are in balance. I don't think people should let themselves fall too deeply into any of these but i do think that each of these things should have at least a small presence in your life. Lust is usually a part of a healthy relationship. Pride in your work tends to make sure you do a good job. Envy lets you know what you want.
Just remember that these things are similar to a campfire, they consume, give them too much and they will light the forest and burn you up.
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