

Wesley James                                                                            



On the subject of an Education

Hey so here is one of those random posts i promised to toss out here once every so often. Why am i writing this? Well a blog i follow brought something to my attention which i want to write about. The link to the news article is http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_16029/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=pmVmhDzd go check it out for the article that gives the bare bones facts (or at least i thought it did, but i am biased)

The best way to basically sum it up is that this teacher got sick and tired of the way her students behaved and so she wrote rants on her blog online, which she maintained anonymously. Somehow some of her students figured out that she was writing about them and complained to the school (kinda funny considering one of her main problems with them was that they were whiny...)

Anywho, because grade 10-12 students are so fragile and need to be shielded from every single bit of criticism she was suspended from her job without pay and might be fired. She is meanwhile preparing to sue to keep her job because she was exercising her right to free speech (or so her lawyer plans to argue)

Now this becomes an issue for me because i obviously don't really make much of an effort to hide who i am. My profile picture is really me, i like my blog to my twitter which links to my tumblr which links to my facebook. They all are connected, all attempting to promote my viewpoint and more importantly my writing.

That being said my issue with what is occurring to this teacher is that, at least from what i have gathered, she DIDN'T try and get noticed by anyone. She was using blogs for what i still occasionally do, she has been writing an online journal instead of a pen and paper one. Why?

I don't know, and frankly it is none of my business. But for some reason people seem determined to unmask every single anonymous person who writes things online that are controversial. And lets be honest, the best writing is all about controversy.

I know that the blogs Waiter Rant(who apparently is down today meaning i can't link to him), Girl with a one track mind, and Opinionistas were all blogs that i followed, and all wrote about things that might get the fired or shunned. Each and every one of them suffered someone trying to find out who they are (and in at least one case succeeding)

The problem here is that the internet is a place where if you want you are supposed to be able to go out and say whatever you want into it, and if you want you don't need to attach your name. I don't put any names into my posts, be it the name of my school or people i might be happening to write about.

Why? Because they didn't say i could. Why do these kids currently piss me off? Because she didn't list names, she didn't call people out specifically. She just ranted about the way kids act, and all they did was prove her right.


The Inevitable Shift

Hey so i haven't updated on here in a long time in case you failed to notice, and now i feel it is time to share that i am going to be moving my main blog (which don't worry, i still shall continue to ignore) over to my tumblr. In addition the the blog being there i will also be spending my energy on a secondary fallacious tumblr with a friend for poops and giggles. I will still toss the occasional post here, there is just something about blogger which i shall miss, but in the meantime check out the two new spaces. Peace out to anywho who bothers to read this.


Castle in the sky!

Hey out there in the interwebs, gonna try writing to you guys again for a little while. Why haven't i been? Cause i don't really have the focus, and i haven't had an idea that i thought was worth writing about for quite some time. Now i am trying again cause i discovered an idea when i was laying in bed contemplating sleep and watching Gargoyles on my computer.

This comes to my idea which floats from this show. If you happened to grow up in the 90s you most likely saw this show at least once. It was awesome, it showed a group of Gargoyles (who would have guessed?) who were the protectors of a castle but were betrayed and most of them were killed. Those who survived were locked in time until the castle would "rise above the clouds". This event happens in the year 1996 when a very rich dude named David Xanatos.

This is the guy who i wanted to write about, Xanatos. See Xanatos is the main villain in the show (if i ruined that for you i am sorry). It is at this point that i need to add in that his main base of operations is the tallest building in the world which he placed the castle on the top of, and i think this is just awesome and i want one.

Now for those who know me the idea that i would like the bad guy in a show isn't really anything new. I loved Lucifer, Crowley, Ruby, and Yellow Eyes in Supernatural. I loved Dr Cox in Scrubs (but who doesn't?). True i also like the good characters in various shows but there is something about the pure evil ones who don't really seem to be hiding their true characters that i find so awesome.

This brings me back to Xanatos, the villain in this cartoon. Why am i writing about this character so? Because of an episode of Gargoyles which i watched relatively recently where Xanatos and his wife play a game of chess with real people and their actions being manipulated. In another episode of the show the entire plot is about a prison break occurs but at the very end it is revealed that the prison break and all the chaos occurs simply cause Xanatos desires to free one woman and the events which occur give her a better chance for an early parole.

I guess the reason that i really like Xanatos is that he seems to float above and beyond everyone else, even though he loses most of the time he gains more from each loss. It is like each and every loss, even though he manages to be beaten, provides more information for what he does next. Each time simply adds momentum to him, and he refuses to make actions that are not needed.

So this is part of why i love Xanatos, and then also that he just seems so cool. Don't believe me, check out the show!


A and B

So i haven't exactly written a blog post in a while but i feel like writing this one today. Why? i need to vent, just a little bit. And you, are my imaginary audience who get to sit and listen. Which means that i am not a crazy person sitting in my room talking to myself.

See what i need to talk to you about isn't so much a need as an explanation... See over the past while i have been experiencing a personality change. Except that i haven't been.

I don't believe that there is anything someone does that wasn't already in them. Basically let me explain it like this, depending on the given situation there are a certain number of possible reactions that someone could make.

So that's why i say i have experienced a personality change but not really... because given the situations i have flowed myself into i have changed from who i was last year, becoming, for a little while at least, less of a slacker.

See, for a long ass time i wanted to be that brilliant kid who knows absolutely everything. I was that kid for a while in a couple of subjects for a little while, things i studied outside of school like psychology or animals waaaaaaaaay back in grade school.

Anywho this past summer i was taking a few courses and got ahead of people and started thinking about the future and being a good student and knowing EVERYTHING which, as i just said, has always been something i wanted to do.

So i started this school year with these kind of goals in the back of my mind and suddenly i started doing all of my assignments and my readings. Work started getting done way in advance.

But my marks stayed the same as they were last year. And my stress levels skyrocketed. To be honest they are still way higher than they ever were last year (and last year i failed a course...). Simply put i was slipping into a type A personality, and it took some very important people to point this out to me (you all know who you are).

So here i am, ranting about what i was turning into, and what i hope to stop turning into. I know i don't really have a right to ask for any more, but to the people in my life i ask for your patience. Its gonna be tricky, but hopefully i can get to a balanced point between the two very different people i was.

Wish me luck!


Depressing or Boring or Both?

What am i doing right now? Being a moron, that is what... Why, you may ask (assuming you are kind/curious enough) are you being a moron?

Well, my answer would be, because i finally have a topic for my Philosophy of Religion essay (or as it shall hencforth be known, Phil of R) and i am not writing it, despite the fact that it is actually the next assignment i have due that isn't complete... Nor am i using my time to study for Social Psychology or write my Philosophy of Art paper (it will not be known as Phil of A, it is too evil for a new nickname...).

Why am i dragging out this bloody essay for so long? I don't know. I have been asking myself the same question all week. I did the first assignment in about an hour because i was focused and didn't let myself get distracted by books or blogs or TV or anything.

But somehow this essay keeps me from tackling and i find myself doing other tasks. I have narrowed down the topic for my Philosophy of Art paper. I did a bonus Social Psych assignment. I read extra stuff, i looked up articles for another paper, hunted for more info on the assignment i had already finished!

But this paper, it needs to be done. I set aside today and tomorrow for its removal. Other assignments i have lumped into doing in a single day, or in the case of quite a few of them, doing them all in one day.

Why is this essay such a colossal pain in my keister (yes i used Google to find out how to spell that)? I could use the excuse of Nietzsche,(btw check out that mustache, EPIC) because he is a pain in the ass. He is depressing and frustrating to read because, like most philosophers, he doesn't appear to just come out and say what he needs to say. Instead he jumps around using these gigantic words that tire me out as i read him. I could say that i find his writing depressing and it bugs me to read so i have been trying to avoid him.

I could say those things because they are true. At the same time a perverse part of me actually enjoys reading him once every so often, for the very same reason i enjoyed reading Hume last year. He points out things which i found to be glaringly obvious before. Yes, i know, i sound full of it, and it may just be the way that i read these two, or it could be because i am lucky enough to come from a society whose education system managed to do a decent job and i noticed these things. Or i could pass credit to my family who raised me to be a skeptic and a critic (just ask people who come ask me for advice).

But none of this really explains why rather than just writing the essay and relieving myself of this build up of negative energy i am writing a blog post about it. I would bet that part of it is that i have been getting that urge to write again, and to write about things that i want to write about.

And really i think that is what it comes down to... I don't want to write about him because he is depressing, and i could in theory do my essay on Hume but he is the one thing that is worse to me than depressing, and that is boring.

This statement strikes me as funny but i am gonna write it down anyways. And yes it is very egotistical too, but here it is. If anyone ever actually bothers to quote me to someone else what they should say is this:

  • Something that every single person should strive for in their writing is that it be interesting. It doesn't need to be creative or beautiful or strikingly original as long as it is interesting. How many ideas have died because their author couldn't present them to the world in an interesting manor?
So here i go, off to write the bloody essay, or so i hope... Wish me luck!


Thanks Roomie

So right now i just need to go ahead and say thank you to one of my roommates. You know who you are, you who lent me the book Eat Pray Love.

I went and saw this movie shortly after it came out with my girlfriend, and it was great, very well done and i highly recommend it. So of course when i saw one of my roomies reading this book i just had to ask her if i could borrow it and read it. So thank you for saying yes.

In case you all forgot i happen to be someone who believe in a lot of Buddhist practices and philosophy. Also, if you have talked to me about Buddhism before you know i do not consider it to be a religion because i don't worship anything in line with it.

Do i believe in the notion that The Buddha attained enlightenment while meditating beneath a tree? Yes. Is that worship? No, that is my form of faith. I believe that a very long time ago a dude sat down and just was with his own mind long enough to realize that all the sacred and wonderful was right there inside of him. I believe he realized that everything that came to exist naturally was equally profane and sacred and that this is all it is, embodying this realization is enlightenment.

That is my faith.

Does it get more complicated, complex and personal? Hells yes. Can i explain it all? Not really, i can try but a lot of it i don't think you can get. Do i think time has anything to do with whether or not you become enlightened? Fuck no.

Enlightenment is not a process that happens faster based on where you are or when you started. I think that if you are going to meditate it is going to become your own practice when you need it to. I think that if you are going to become enlightened it will happen when you are ready. And i think that if you don't keep up that meditation and examining your own mind your enlightenment will go bye bye.

Why am i going on a rant about this right now? Because my roomie lent me that book and i just finished the pray section.

Why else? Because i hadn't been meditating in... well a long ass time. And frankly this book was the kick in said ass i needed.

For me meditating brings a form of awareness and focus. It brings a calm and an energy to me. And it is really freakin easy to not meditate, to let each day slide by without sitting with myself and just letting my mind be.

And so thanks roomie, i owe you one. But that one is not another bottle of Sourpuss.