Well, my answer would be, because i finally have a topic for my Philosophy of Religion essay (or as it shall hencforth be known, Phil of R) and i am not writing it, despite the fact that it is actually the next assignment i have due that isn't complete... Nor am i using my time to study for Social Psychology or write my Philosophy of Art paper (it will not be known as Phil of A, it is too evil for a new nickname...).
Why am i dragging out this bloody essay for so long? I don't know. I have been asking myself the same question all week. I did the first assignment in about an hour because i was focused and didn't let myself get distracted by books or blogs or TV or anything.
But somehow this essay keeps me from tackling and i find myself doing other tasks. I have narrowed down the topic for my Philosophy of Art paper. I did a bonus Social Psych assignment. I read extra stuff, i looked up articles for another paper, hunted for more info on the assignment i had already finished!
But this paper, it needs to be done. I set aside today and tomorrow for its removal. Other assignments i have lumped into doing in a single day, or in the case of quite a few of them, doing them all in one day.
Why is this essay such a colossal pain in my keister (yes i used Google to find out how to spell that)? I could use the excuse of Nietzsche,(btw check out that mustache, EPIC) because he is a pain in the ass. He is depressing and frustrating to read because, like most philosophers, he doesn't appear to just come out and say what he needs to say. Instead he jumps around using these gigantic words that tire me out as i read him. I could say that i find his writing depressing and it bugs me to read so i have been trying to avoid him.
I could say those things because they are true. At the same time a perverse part of me actually enjoys reading him once every so often, for the very same reason i enjoyed reading Hume last year. He points out things which i found to be glaringly obvious before. Yes, i know, i sound full of it, and it may just be the way that i read these two, or it could be because i am lucky enough to come from a society whose education system managed to do a decent job and i noticed these things. Or i could pass credit to my family who raised me to be a skeptic and a critic (just ask people who come ask me for advice).
But none of this really explains why rather than just writing the essay and relieving myself of this build up of negative energy i am writing a blog post about it. I would bet that part of it is that i have been getting that urge to write again, and to write about things that i want to write about.
And really i think that is what it comes down to... I don't want to write about him because he is depressing, and i could in theory do my essay on Hume but he is the one thing that is worse to me than depressing, and that is boring.
This statement strikes me as funny but i am gonna write it down anyways. And yes it is very egotistical too, but here it is. If anyone ever actually bothers to quote me to someone else what they should say is this:
- Something that every single person should strive for in their writing is that it be interesting. It doesn't need to be creative or beautiful or strikingly original as long as it is interesting. How many ideas have died because their author couldn't present them to the world in an interesting manor?
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