So i have decided to write this post because... well because sex is on my mind right now due to my being grilled on my thoughts of sex tonight before my psych lecture (loads of fun, i assure you). And also the fact that when i logged onto my account to create a new post this was sitting here, an empty draft that i meant to write ages ago.
See my last two posts before this were on the idea of sex is wrong but selling other parts of yourself somehow is ok. Now my main justification in the other posts was that there was a lacking of logic in the westernized views on sex. What i didn't do however was explain my view.
So while this post might be a little bit shorter than normal, it is purely my thoughts, no one else gets a comment in here. The one link i am going to give you is to a post on another blog if you have an issue with what i write (why defend what i write when she does it so much better?)
So sex, the word that was the He Who Must Not Be Named of my childhood, instead we spelt it out. They were talking about S.... E.... X! There was this idea that there was something wrong with it, something to be avoided but no one really explained why except for the fact that it was something you did with girls and they were gross (i never really understood that either but majority rules apparently).
I lived a very long time of my life in this kind of mindset, that whatever the majority thought was obviously right, i mean i was just me, what value could my opinion have? I knew that i was allowed to have it but it didn't matter if it wasn't the same as everyone else. I have always been an insanely amount curious, but that is just me, however i didn't always fight for my opinions or even try and justify them (ya, that is right, i didn't always argue with everyone...).
But then something changed, and i don't know when or why it happened but blame it for every time i fight and argue with you because i love this thinking for myself and finding reasons for my actions.
Anywho, as i got older sex became more important (something to do with raging hormones and a drive of some sort...). With this interest in sex and the not just assuming that my past ideas are all correct i thought about it. I mean what do you expect a teenage guy to do...?
And what i concluded is that i really can't see anything that would create sex making it bad in its very nature. I am gonna call on your logic now, why would one thing be made bad in every instance except one? Animals aren't, people aren't, substances aren't, but sex is wrong unless it is with one person whom you have married... I am sorry to those who believe otherwise but i just can't see it.
So now you also need to see that i am not someone who was ever really content following any church or dogma. I now am a Zen Buddhist Practitioner (when i have time to meditate...) which means that i get to read and interpret the teachings of the first Buddha, which all fit with my view of the world (but this isn't a post about my theology). This is my pointing out that i had no conflict with there being nothing wrong with sex in my world views.
So now i have shown why i personally think there is nothing really wrong with sex and currently i am dancing around what i think sex actually is because, well, saying that is hard to do.
Ok, so i think sex is a time when you shelve your inhibitions, by choice instead of using something like booze to do it for you. Instead you find someone that you are comfortable enough with to toss it all aside and in a society where we coat ourselves in synthetic substances all day long and welcome them into our body.
I also have always had this issue with the connection between the body and the soul, why do they have to be separate? The body affects the mind and the mind the body, it makes more sense that they are one thing the same way that your hair is part of you even though it is separate from the rest of your skin. They both still exist if you split them up but hair doesn't survive without the body.
Anywho it is this welcoming, this joining of comfort that i think sex really is. Now what about virginity? Yes, that is a part of sex, meaning that i need to talk about it now. There is a line from one of my favorite books about death which is that death is a door you need to walk through on your own. There is no one who can go with you but you don't have to be alone on either side.
Virginity is the same thing, you lose it by yourself even though it takes another person there. You are the one who loses it, who gives it to another person but they don't have to be a virgin to have sex with you meaning they don't have to lose it with you too. It is up to you to choose who you want to be around, and who you want to have with you there, or how many people.
In conclusion i think sex is wonderful and amazing if done with thought and people you care about. I think it should be talked about openly and publicly, and that people should feel free to share their experiences with people they are close to. I have had several friends who know about my sex life and i know about theirs and we are very close. I think that it is something everyone should experience at least once so that they know how it can feel when they are ready and that if it is something a person you never want to experience again then you know.
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