So tonight it is time for another post. Why you may ask, i mean i just posted one recently and it was awesome, why should you have to read through another so soon? Well because i had a cultural studies class tonight, and in it i used an idea that has been floating around my head recently. This idea is totally different from western thought, as is my usual.
What i am thinking about now is prostitution. What exactly is wrong with it? Yes, i did just ask you what is wrong with it. In theory the problem with prostitution is that it is the problem with sex. See the only way that sex can be wrong for money is if there is something wrong with it in general. Think long and hard about it (long and hard, hee hee), is there anything else that is both illegal for when it is charged for and legal when it is free? Other than sex.
(random quote from the JCR: 'I can lick you if you like')
Now my logic for it is simply the division that western philosophy makes between the body and the mind. In this separation of the two the mind becomes this golden link to the divine while the body becomes the link to the profane. The mind becomes supernatural while the body becomes simply natural.
This distinction turns everything that the body wants and needs into things to be avoided unless absolutely necessary. We eat only when we need to, we save sex until marriage so that people can then procreate. The Catholic Church created their seven deadly sins and then their virtues to match.
Note the line up : Lust and Chastity, Gluttony and Temperance, Greed and Charity, Sloth and Diligence, Wrath and Patience, Envy and Kindness, and finally Pride and Humility.
Note the way that the line up has linked something physical with something that isn't physical. I also want you to note that while i think that there are some that are right (like the overwhelming Greed that drives capitalism into its constant growth resulting in people starving, but that is a post for another day...)
But i also want to note that while this church proscribes black and white doctrine that simply makes one good and another bad both Aristotle and The Buddha instead speak of the middle path between the two points which is directly between the two.
Between Lust and Chastity is enjoying sex, between Gluttony and Temperance is enjoying your food and other things, between Greed and Charity is giving to others when you can but keeping enough for yourself. Between Sloth and Diligence is doing your work when it is time but also taking time to relax. Between Wrath and Patience is standing up for yourself based on the situation. And between Pride and Humility is taking pride in your work but not for more than you have done.
Which sounds better, a life of all sins, a life of all virtues, or a life on the middle path. I do not doubt that the hardest path would be that of the virtues, the easiest that of the sins and the middle path in the middle, which is the other reason why i wonder why people don't use it. But there is the idea that hard things are better (after all the world's hardest substance is a girl's best friend).
But anywho this has developed into a giant post all on its own so tomorrow i will continue with this theme and offer up my points on prostitution. Have fun reading!
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