
A and B

So i haven't exactly written a blog post in a while but i feel like writing this one today. Why? i need to vent, just a little bit. And you, are my imaginary audience who get to sit and listen. Which means that i am not a crazy person sitting in my room talking to myself.

See what i need to talk to you about isn't so much a need as an explanation... See over the past while i have been experiencing a personality change. Except that i haven't been.

I don't believe that there is anything someone does that wasn't already in them. Basically let me explain it like this, depending on the given situation there are a certain number of possible reactions that someone could make.

So that's why i say i have experienced a personality change but not really... because given the situations i have flowed myself into i have changed from who i was last year, becoming, for a little while at least, less of a slacker.

See, for a long ass time i wanted to be that brilliant kid who knows absolutely everything. I was that kid for a while in a couple of subjects for a little while, things i studied outside of school like psychology or animals waaaaaaaaay back in grade school.

Anywho this past summer i was taking a few courses and got ahead of people and started thinking about the future and being a good student and knowing EVERYTHING which, as i just said, has always been something i wanted to do.

So i started this school year with these kind of goals in the back of my mind and suddenly i started doing all of my assignments and my readings. Work started getting done way in advance.

But my marks stayed the same as they were last year. And my stress levels skyrocketed. To be honest they are still way higher than they ever were last year (and last year i failed a course...). Simply put i was slipping into a type A personality, and it took some very important people to point this out to me (you all know who you are).

So here i am, ranting about what i was turning into, and what i hope to stop turning into. I know i don't really have a right to ask for any more, but to the people in my life i ask for your patience. Its gonna be tricky, but hopefully i can get to a balanced point between the two very different people i was.

Wish me luck!