Ok kids, news on MWBN is that i have massively failed in getting chapters one to five written by today, as such i am giving myself 4 weeks to write it. Hopefully this will be enough time but i dunno if it shall.
Anywho this means that i need something to write about on here because that is simply depressing.
So, while i started writing this post several days ago i failed to come up with any sort of topic that i wanted to write about, until now. And what is this brilliant idea which has been on simmer for a couple days until several moments ago finally reached a wonderful boil? Tea.
Yep, i am about to write out a blog post about tea. Why? Well lately i have been feeling continually fried and creatively drained. Why is this? Well at first i blamed it on a lack of time living and more of a time observing but it wasn't until two of my roommates moved in that i realized i also had stopped drinking as much tea as i used to.
This honestly makes me think about a conversation i had with a good friend a long time ago. I had just got interested in Buddhism and the notion of enlightenment. Frankly it seemed like such a cool idea that i announced to the world that enlightenment would be my quest. I would seek it out and distance myself from material possessions and caring of such physical things. Needless to say that failed (though for the most part my clothes remained unchanged except for the free stuff i was given, to those who like the changes now occurring in my wardrobe a thank you is owed to the new girlfriend).
Anywho off the random tangent and back onto the notion about this lovely liquid which is prepared with boiling water. What did my friend respond with? Some wise crack about the possibility of ME being enlightened? Something in support? No. He asked if i would be drinking a lot of tea.
It took till now for me to realize how good an idea that would have been back then. Tea... well let me quote a book by Rob Thurman here... oh fuck i can't, that book is still out on loan, person who has my copy of Nightlife can you please look up the quote Cal says about Niko and tea after he is hypnotized? If you could past it into the comments it would be greatly appreciated.
Anywho tea is a wonderful way to get some caffeine (but not too much!), a few anti-oxidants, and some great flavor. Plus in the case of green tea it slightly raises your body temp which burns some extra calories. If you do some research into types of tea you can in general find something which gives you something missing from your diet and skip out on all the juices instead.
Basically my tip to you is take some time, go to a tea store and smell them all. Maybe not all of them, but if you have a flavor like say lemon that you like you can go and smell the lemon ones. Pick a couple, buy them, and spend some time trying them. Some you will love, some not so much. But in doing so you will bring a little change into your life, and face it, we could all use a little.
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