
Smexy or Not

Sex. Lets talk about it. Sex is a common activity, like it or not it is. Its natural. Like it or not it is. Sex is a natural act. Yes it is. Yes it is.
Sex also isn't something society is comfortable with. Despite how common it is in the media it isn't something western society as a whole isn't comfortable with. No we aren't. No we aren't.
The main thing of proof is the idea of abstinence only education throughout the state. I mean lets consider this. Telling teenagers in sex education classes that condoms don't work, and that only abstinence can protect from S.T.I.s. I mean abstinence does protect from that. You aren't gonna get pregnant if you don't have sex (unless god says otherwise).
But is that the only way to prevent a pregnancy? Hell to the no! Like it or not people, contraceptives work. They do. Yes they do.
No, i am not discounting the emotional impact of sex, but to limit the knowledge you impart to teens about something like sex because of the fact you don't want them to do it is just wrong (and i know, do it, written in something about sex).
Sex is tied to emotion, this is supported by science as well as years of people saying so. Whether or not it is something sacred as well is for god, or you to decide, not me. All i can say is i don't like the way society treats it. Talking about it as something dirty and wrong just plain old pisses me off.
Something that is really unnatural is driving. You wonder why so many people die each year in car crashes? Because the human body is not meant to travel that fast. Wonder why people don't like flying? They aren't supposed to. People aren't supposed to fly. Why don't people like heights? Cause we can die if we fall off!
But does sex scare people? Yep. Thought i was gonna say something else? Again, hell to the no! To say that sex doesn't scare at least some people the same way heights scare me would be me lying again to the extreme. But i don't believe that a fear of sex is natural, that it is rather something people have created for themselves. Why? Glad you asked.
We lets go back the that old time knowledge where people knew that sex brings up lots and lots of emotions. (people out there who like god, your gonna not like me here)(also keep in mind these are conclusions i am drawing as i write this, meaning i have no research besides things i have already read, and no proofs, nor any kind of real qualifications)
Now when forming a religion what do you have to do? You gotta exclude people, make it exclusive, and make people feel like they belong. In order to do this you need some rules. And these rules need to make sense. Now i am gonna pop on my Zen hat for a bit. See, mindlessness is a state where you don't think about what you are thinking or believing, you just embrace it because it is easier. Its like disliking the United States for me, its easier to do rather than think about why i do and realize that it is a baseless prejudice coming from a combination of culture around me and information i am exposed to/seek out in the media.
Anywho when you are in a mindless state, any sort of emotion brings a perverse pleasure (unless that's just me and i am the only one who enjoys psychologically torturing myself every so often). Add in it needs something that makes sense, and some way to unite people. One of the best ways to unite people is with giving them an enemy, someone to stand against (just note how each president of the United States has fought a war).
Each western religion has had someone they stand against, well the remaining dominate ones at least, from Nordic to Christian. So we have the enemy, the devil. And now we need his tool. Well, humans are dominate, above the animals, so whatever we share with the animals must be wrong. Eating, sex, anything like that. So we ate the forbidden fruit, and became ashamed of nakedness.
Furthermore look at time passing, stuff either tends to get more extreme like a feud or they lack matter and just become nothing, slowly degrading until there is nothing left. Now i think a lot of religious convictions are like the former, they have gotten stronger and stronger until you wind up with someone who is fanatical in their beliefs. This i think leads to problems with things like the conflicts with other religions, with homosexuality, and with sex.
As things like this get stronger and stronger it seems to have lead to a society where we tend towards repressing sex, where it is dirty and wrong and people are encouraged not to think about it. And that just... pisses me off. Because then people feel uncomfortable talking about it or thinking about it. Parents have a hard time talking about it to kids, kids have a hard time asking anyone for advice. It took till grade 11 gym class for some people to learn how to properly put on a condom.
That's something relatively simple but because of societal attitude these people never learnt how. How much worse must it be in areas where they are taught abstinence only?

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