
Castle in the sky!

Hey out there in the interwebs, gonna try writing to you guys again for a little while. Why haven't i been? Cause i don't really have the focus, and i haven't had an idea that i thought was worth writing about for quite some time. Now i am trying again cause i discovered an idea when i was laying in bed contemplating sleep and watching Gargoyles on my computer.

This comes to my idea which floats from this show. If you happened to grow up in the 90s you most likely saw this show at least once. It was awesome, it showed a group of Gargoyles (who would have guessed?) who were the protectors of a castle but were betrayed and most of them were killed. Those who survived were locked in time until the castle would "rise above the clouds". This event happens in the year 1996 when a very rich dude named David Xanatos.

This is the guy who i wanted to write about, Xanatos. See Xanatos is the main villain in the show (if i ruined that for you i am sorry). It is at this point that i need to add in that his main base of operations is the tallest building in the world which he placed the castle on the top of, and i think this is just awesome and i want one.

Now for those who know me the idea that i would like the bad guy in a show isn't really anything new. I loved Lucifer, Crowley, Ruby, and Yellow Eyes in Supernatural. I loved Dr Cox in Scrubs (but who doesn't?). True i also like the good characters in various shows but there is something about the pure evil ones who don't really seem to be hiding their true characters that i find so awesome.

This brings me back to Xanatos, the villain in this cartoon. Why am i writing about this character so? Because of an episode of Gargoyles which i watched relatively recently where Xanatos and his wife play a game of chess with real people and their actions being manipulated. In another episode of the show the entire plot is about a prison break occurs but at the very end it is revealed that the prison break and all the chaos occurs simply cause Xanatos desires to free one woman and the events which occur give her a better chance for an early parole.

I guess the reason that i really like Xanatos is that he seems to float above and beyond everyone else, even though he loses most of the time he gains more from each loss. It is like each and every loss, even though he manages to be beaten, provides more information for what he does next. Each time simply adds momentum to him, and he refuses to make actions that are not needed.

So this is part of why i love Xanatos, and then also that he just seems so cool. Don't believe me, check out the show!