So yes, i know, it has been for freakin ever since i bothered to update this thing and post something new. Why? Because...
Yep, that is my reason behind it, just because, because i couldn't find time, because i couldn't be bothered, because i didn't really have anything to write about, because i have had so much to write about that i didn't know which to choose, because all the stuff i wanted to write about was actually too personal to post out for the entire world to read. You pick your favorite and let me know. I'm sticking with because.
But yes, now i am blogging from the library of my university instead of reading The Republic by Plato, which i need to have finished for class NEXT MONDAY! Its an entire book, in and of itself, and frankly i find it harder to read than Shakespeare (i mean come on, that guy is easy to understand). So why am i blogging now?
Because... Yep, that is my reason for why i am back for at blogging. Because...
But yes, what do i want to write about today? I want to write about how important it is to be comfortable with who you are and where you are in your life. Why am i writing about this?
Well because for the last little while i have been racing around so much that i haven't really had time to sit down and meditate or blog or work out or anything. You know, those calming activities that give me time to think so much that my mind calms itself down and feels comfortable with its insanity for a little while.
Instead i find myself falling prey to what i am going to refer to as "Artist's Mind" because i think it comes from a combination of creativity and an over active mind. Basically my mind hopes from thought to thought every so often so what i am thinking about has nothing to do with where i am and what i am doing, instead it is just the things that i haven't taken the time to think about.
It happens to be a very frustrating feeling because there is simply so much that you want to create and so little time. Think about how people got lost in the movie Inception, or how that guy in the Matrix betrayed everybody in order to get back into the fake reality because it was better than the alternative he was offered.
The thing i have found with letting this kind of creative energy build up is that the world i can create inside my head is completely under my control (which really appeals to a control freak like me) and as such i have a tendency to get lost inside it.